There are those who think it’s just a blemish but when year after year it becomes something more and starts to haunt you.

Dark circles and under eye bags are a problem that in most cases is always caused by a previous factor:


Water retention;



Malfunction of the kidneys;

Poor diet;

Sometimes it is simply a genetic issue.

So in addition to a condition that has already been altered previously, you are faced with a problem that you cannot solve yourself.

After countless attempts and money spent on ineffective therapies, you are ready to give up.


The causes written above can more or less all be addressed personally, we do the rest of the work.

Our clinic can help you solve the problem, but before revealing how, listen to the story of one of our patients, Stefania, you will surely have seen her in a photo on my website or on my social media.


Stefania is a woman like many others, full of dreams, goals, aspirations, just like you, but she had been fighting for many years with a silent enemy, dark circles and under eye bags, just like you…

A problem she carried with her since she was a child.

She could no longer leave the house, she no longer went to aperitifs organized by her friends, she had tried to solve the problem of her dark circles without success, and in the end?

She eventually gave up, like many other women before her.

She couldn’t put on makeup, she struggled to wake up, her life seemed like a black and white movie that went on day after day without sound.

Until one day, thanks to a friend of hers, one of our patients, she took courage and booked her first check for dark circles and under eye bags in our clinic.

Today Stefania has been one of our patients for 4 years, the dark circles and under eye bags are just a memory and in her words

<< life has a different color since I met you >>.

If you’ve come this far it means you really care about eliminating dark circles and under eye bags.

How can you eliminate dark circles and the eye bags?

The solution starts with small steps with a specific check to outline the problem and discover its cause.

The therapy or treatment that the doctor deems most appropriate based on the check done, will then begin.

There can be multiple solutions based on the degree of the problem encountered. The excellent solution for eliminating dark circles and bags under the eyes is…


A subcutaneous injection therapy of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in order to increase blood flow to the affected areas and stimulate the production of collagen by oxygenating the tissues.

In the case of under eye bags, however, it acts as a natural solvent.

The lipolytic effect of carboxytherapy will dissolve the fat cells contained in the under eye bags.

Cells that will later be naturally expelled from the body.

This will lead to a decrease in the bags under the eyes, they will soon deflate, regain color and shape, leaving your gaze brighter, more active.

A double regenerating effect, don't you think?

The treatment is painless and natural as the body naturally produces carbon dioxide.

It leaves no scars and gives wonderful results.

The minimum number of sessions to actually see results is 10, to be done once every 4 – 7 days.

This is because, being a very light treatment and acting on a very delicate area, it is minimally invasive.

It is not a treatment that has contraindications apart from the appearance of a bruise on the treated area, but very rarely.

The bruise appears or not based on the composition of the patient’s skin and the age of the problem.

Another highly effective treatment against dark circles is the…


our flagship treatment, born from over 14 years of studies and improvements by Dr. Lungo Vaschetto.

With over 2500 happy patients treated, the Biolipofiller has become the most refined treatment after facial rejuvenation treatment by Turinese women.

In short, you take hypodermic (under the skin) fat from troublesome body parts, like love handles.

The fat is then processed, cleaned and filtered with a patented technology only for this treatment.

Subsequently, the cleansed fat is reinjected into those parts of the face that need to be treated.

The stem cells contained in the fat will work as re-stabilizers of the skin texture over the next 6 months.

The improvement is visible starting from the following 30 days and will improve every day.

Dark circles cleared, luminous skin, compact texture and natural rosy complexion and maybe a few centimeters removed on the sides.

The Biolipofiller can also be used for:

Facial Wrinkles;

Asymmetry of the face;

Dark Circles;

Frontal wrinkles;

Dull and dry skin;

Premature aging;

Deflated and not vary plump lips;

Regeneration for scars;

Acne scars.

What are you waiting for?

If you want to eliminate dark circles and under eye bags, schedule an appointment in our clinic by calling or sending an email.

we will reply to you as soon as possible even outside working hours.

Every request from one of our patients is important to us.

We look forward to seeing you soon at the clinic.


Clinic Lungo Vaschetto
 Turinese Aesthetic Medicine